
Claire Says the Darndest Things

Claire is coming up with some gems lately.
Here are just a few:

Scene: at Winco on the cereal aisle.
Claire: I want Honey Nut Cheerios
Mom: Claire we have Peanut Butter Cheerios. 
You like those with Bananas. Let's
get Honey Nut Cheerios next time.
Claire: (bow head and sticks out pouty lip) No.
I want Honey Nut Cheerios.
I Am Stomping My Foot (said as she is
doing the action).
Random Man on aisle turns to see who just said that and burst out laughing. 
Tyson and I couldn't contain ourselves.
We are sure glad she gives us a play by play of her tantrum.
So funny!

Scene: 6:30 in the morning in my room. The girls laying in bed with me while I
am trying to catch a few last zzz's.
Claire: Mom, I want a show.
Mom: Claire just watch one on my phone. 
It is in the kitchen. Go get it and you can
watch a show.
Claire: Ava come and get mom's phone with me.
It is too dark.
Ava: (not moving) I don't want to Claire.
Claire: (in a raised voice) Ava I Am Freaking Out. It is too dark.
Please I Am Freaking Out!
I don't know where she gets her verbiage from sometimes but it keeps us giggling.

Scene: Just got home from being babysat at Grandma and Grandpas.
Mom: Claire were you good today?
Claire: Yep
Mom: You did have any fits today?
Claire: ahh...I just had two fits (holding up two fingers).
Mom: (Giving her a disapproving look) You had some fits?
Claire: It is just my normal fits!
I guess anything less than normal is improvement right? She is so sneaky in what she says.
She is way to smart for her britches and we love the comedy relief we get from her daily.

We love our cheeky lass!

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