
A Mother in Training

Sometimes I get a glimpse of the mother I am, the good and the bad.
This was my conversation with my 6 year old this morning.

A: Mom, I am learning everything that I need to know about being a mom from you.

M: Really. What are you learning?

A: Like that you say no to treats before breakfast. You say no to treats before lunch and you say no to treats before dinner. And you sometimes say no to getting a gum from those machines at the store.

M: That is nice. Do I say no a lot?
A: Well I said you sometimes say no to the gum balls.
M: What do I say yes to?
{Long pause of silence while she contemplated and scratched her head with a grin}
A: Well you also tell Talmage what a cute baby he is.
Thanks for throwing me a bone Ava! I guess she had to change the subject since she couldn't think of anything that I say "yes" to. Let me also remind you that on my Mother's Day questionnaire that she did at church she answered the question "What do you hear your mother say the most" she answered, 
"No Ava, don't do that."  Should I have a complex? Am I constantly a party pooper? Well I guess when she asks me tomorrow for candy before breakfast, I need to leave the "no" out and say something like "Well you CAN have some cereal." On a redeeming note: she does tell me constantly that she loves that I am a nurse and I know just what to do when she is hurt. I score at least one point for that!

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