
Eight Months Old

Holy Batman He is 8 Months Old!

I feels as if I just did one of these posts and yet...so much has changed.
1. Talmage is sitting up. He is not perfect or 100% steady yet, but he can last for quite a long time. 
If he loses his balance though, he is done for.
2. He claps his hands a lot when he is excited and even does it when prompted by us chanting "Yay". 
It is so darn cute I just can't contain myself!
3. He gets so excited to see his baby food and even gets a little impatient with whining. After the first few bites when he is so hungry, he growls "mmmmmm". He even gets mad when I take too long between bites. He lets out a angry protest.
4. Just when I think he can't be more of a mama's boy...he turns it up a notch. Just recently he has started 
crying when he sees me, even if his dad is holding him. It is good to be loved!
5. He loves the wind and giggling endlessly as it blows in his face. He doesn't seem to mind the way it
takes his breath away.
6. He is seriously the most easy going laid back happy baby. He can sit in his stroller for along time and 
just goes with the flow of what I am doing...a walk...watching me at the cross fit gym, hanging out at
the park or the zoo. As long as he is in good company, he is happy.
7. He has started trying to mimic sounds. When I say "ma ma ma" in my deep possessed voice, he tries to growl it back and it is so cute. He also mimics us when we excitedly say "da da da". He doesn't
know what they mean but he loves to say them.
8. He has decided he loves to pull his binky clip off his shirt so he can eat it. He pulls and pulls until he get that thing loose. He is a determined little man.
He is the most loved little thing right now in our home. His sisters just adore him and Claire still can't help herself when around him. She is the definition of mauling!

Here are some cute videos of him practicing sitting up.

Here is Claire's attempt to get some attention doing the same thing. She makes me laugh!

And here is Talmy doing a little clapping. He wasn't the most cooperative on this occasion.

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