
Funny Girl

 Look at the cheeky girl!
After writing yesterday about my funny conversation with Ava, I started thinking about other funny things she has said and there was one in particular that I wanted to document.

When Ava was two and a half she was too smart for her own good and could be a little obstinate at times.  She was also quite the candy junky. One morning she asked for some candy first thing and I told her "No, but you can have some breakfast." She proceeded to get very angry and argue that she didn't like breakfast. I again insisted that she did like breakfast and she got a very mean look at went to take a swing at my legs. I moved and avoided the blow and looked at her sternly and said, "Don't you hit mommy." She didn't even skip a beat. Her quick response was,
"I was just trying to give you a high five."

Tyson and I looked at each other in shock and then broke out in laughter. We couldn't even keep a straight face to discipline her. She just got a smirk on her face like she knew she had outsmarted us. Over the years, we have had many moments like this with Ava.  We giggle because it always brings back this memory.
She should be a lawyer when she grows up because she is quick at the verbal draw and she can bend the truth a little.

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